

Vision — Part I

As someone who’s led vision quests for over 35 years, I’ve thought, written, and been asked about vision many, many times. And depending on the context or on the person doing the asking, my response might emphasize one or another aspect of what that word, “vision,” might denote or evoke. What you ask for and the motivation behind your asking can make a great difference.

Vision can be thought of… Read More »

Indigenous Wisdom (1)

I recently returned from New Mexico, having spent most of the month of October there leading a vision quest. Most of that time I was in wilderness without any connection to the Internet, so I haven’t posted in a while.

I was there over Columbus Day, recently relabeled and repackaged as Indigenous Peoples Day, and I want to address some of the assumptions — mostly incorrect — that people make… Read More »

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Altered States (Part III)

Yesterday, joining an online class, the host wanted to begin with a meditation. She pulled a card labeled “The Vision” from a deck, read the description, and suggested we meditate on that.

As you know, I’m in the “vision business,” having led vision quests for 35 years, but as I followed the prompt I was surprised by where I was led. Most people, when thinking of “vision,” imagine a very… Read More »

The Man in the Mirror

Some Thoughts on Self-Love … 

“If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.”  ~ Michael Jackson…

You’ve probably all heard a saying that goes something like, “You’ll never really be able to love someone unless you’ve learned to love yourself first.” Well, OK… that sounds great, but that doesn’t answer the question of exactly how one goes… Read More »

If Not Now… When?

“There is something in every one of you
that waits and listens
for the sound of the genuine in yourself.
It is the only true guide you will ever have.

Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.
Because what the world needs is more people
who have come alive. **

Martin… Read More »

Circles of Air & Stone • Putney, Vermont